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Showing posts with label Dunia Hewan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dunia Hewan. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Katak Pelangi Yang Dikabarkan Punah Ditemukan di Kalimantan

Katak pelangi yang badannya warna-warni seperti pelangi, yang diyakini sudah punah, ternyata masih ada di Kalimantan. Selama 90 tahun belakangan, katak pelangi sudah tidak pernah kelihatan ada di bumi. Namun, seperti dikutip dari BBC, Dr. Indraneil Das, ilmuwan Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), terus melakukan pencarian spesies tersebut di Gunung Penrissen, Sarawak Barat, yakni kawasan perbatasan antara Sarawak, Malaysia dengan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Ia terkejut ketika pada suatu malam ia melihat katak yang dicarinya tengah memanjat pohon.
Tim ilmuwan ini menghabiskan waktu berbulan-bulan menjelajahi hutan pegunungan terpencil di kawasan itu untuk menemukan spesies ini. Sebelumnya pada 2010, Dr. Robin Moore dari Conservation International, lembaga pemerhati lingkungan, telah merilis daftar hewan amfibi dunia yang telah punah. Daftar itu menyebutkan katak pelangi ini sebagai salah satu dari 10 katak yang paling dicari di dunia.
"Keinginan untuk menemukan katak ini, dan pentingnya keberadaan amfibi dalam sebuah ekosistem yang sehat, telah mendorong kami untuk terus melakukan pencarian," ujar Dr. Das.

Dr. Moore, mengaku gembira atas penemuan ini, "Alam mengejutkan kita saat kita kehilangan harapan, terutama saat sekarang ini banyak jumlah spesies hewan bumi yang telah punah.

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sumber :

Friday, July 13, 2012

FoLu - Hewan-hewan Yang Terjebak di Tempat Tak Terduga

Melihat foto-foto ini bisa membuat Anda bertanya pada diri sendiri bagaimana mereka bisa sampai di sana? Ini benar-benar luar biasa. Hewan ini terjebak di tempat-tempat tak terduga. Tapi oleh siapa? Mungkin dengan diri mereka sendiri? Apakah jawaban begitu mudah dan pada saat yang sama begitu aneh? Anyway, hewan-hewan ini benar-benar begitu gila dan lucu untuk dilihat.

gmana gann .... apa komentar agan setelah meihat hewan hewan tersebut diatas ??

SAPI UNIK yang merasa dirinya adalah SEEKOR KUDA !!

German Girl Trains Cow as a Show Horse

German Girl Trains Cow as a Show Horse

Regina Mayer, a 15-year-old girl from Laufen, Southern Germany, rides her pet cow Luna as if she were a well-trained show horse.

The young girl always wanted her own horse, but her parents kept saying �no�, and since she had a stable full of cows at her disposal, Regina decided she was going to try and ride one. After hundreds of hours of training and many baskets of treats, she managed to teach Luna to jump over home-made hurdles, just like a show horse.

Regina remembers that she knew Luna was special ever since she was born, three years ago. The calf came right up to her, she wasn�t shy like most other young cattle, and they developed a special friendship ever since. The 15-year-old began riding Luna about six months ago and she even contacted a riding school in Switzerland, and received some tips on how to train and equip the bovine in a way similar to a show horse. The two went for long rides around the countryside of Southern Germany and Luna become more and more comfortable, especially since her friend Regina made sure to give her delicious carrots during each outing.

Young Regina Mayer says Luna is definitely very clever, she knows what she can do and what she can�t. Right now she�s able to jump over a-meter-high hurdles, but the rider is confident this year they will reach 1.20 meters. She admits people always look at her funny when they see her riding a cow, but she wouldn�t dream of trading Luna for a horse. The trained cow has become her best friend, following her around wherever she goes, something a horse would never do.

German Girl Trains Cow as a Show Horse
German Girl Trains Cow as a Show Horse

German Girl Trains Cow as a Show Horse
German Girl Trains Cow as a Show Horse

German Girl Trains Cow as a Show Horse
German Girl Trains Cow as a Show Horse

KERANG MISTERIUS MAKAN GAREM DIEM DIEM ... hewan agak gimana gitu ... [VIDEO]


Delicious: An ordinary clam doing what appears to be an extraordinarily strange act has made it a celebrity, as thousands of people have watched the creature lap up a pinch of salt


Mesmerizing: A video of the animal's antics has accrued nearly 200,000 views as people cannot figure out what has caused the clam to season itself


Seasoning: The clam sits on a dinner table with salt scattered around it until a cream, pulpy 'tongue' emerges from its shell, appearing to take a sample of its salty surroundings


Length: The sea creature's 'tongue' slowly creeps out of the shell and taps down on the table, elongating till it is nearly a full body-length away


Hungry: It rescinds, dripping with moisture, before dipping back out for more


Thursday, July 12, 2012

SALAH ASUH .. BAYI ORANG UTAN ini berkelakuan seperti ANJING karena di adobsi oleh IBU GUK GUK ... aya aya wae ... ^__^

Mother chimpanzee abandoned her baby in a zoo, so one of the employees took the little animal home. Surprisingly, the employee�s mastiff started to treat the orphaned chimp as her own child.

JERBOA, si TIKUS MINI yang UNYU bertelinga lebar dan BISA LONCAT LONCAT ...

Jerboas are small jumping desert rodents found throughout Asia and northern Africa.
This is a miracle of nature. Inside, you will see a compilation of funny pictures with this animal and two very cool videos. On the first video, you�ll see one of the representatives of pygmy jerboa, a unique species of jerboas. .

1 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

2 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

3 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

4 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

5 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

6 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

7 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

8 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

9 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

10 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

11 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

12 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

13 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

14 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

15 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

16 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

17 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

18 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

19 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

20 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

21 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)
