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Showing posts with label Gambar Unik dan Unyu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gambar Unik dan Unyu. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bekal Makanan Dengan Susunan Lucu dan Menarik

Jangankan anak kecil, kamu pun kalau dibawakan bekal seperti yang tampak dibawah ini, pasti mau banget kan.

Pembuatnya, Heather Sitarzewski mengatakan:

Saya memutuskan selama musim panas ini, saya ingin membuat bento yang menyenangkan setiap hari untuk makan siang anak saya tahun ajaran ini.

Saya mencari di internet untuk melihat ide-ide dan menemukan beberapa situs yang sangat bagus yang memiliki resep dan tutorial untuk bagaimana memanipulasi makanan menjadi bentuk dan pola yang sangat menarik.

ada yang tertaraik untuk membuat seperti yang diatas gannn !!

KERANG MISTERIUS MAKAN GAREM DIEM DIEM ... hewan agak gimana gitu ... [VIDEO]


Delicious: An ordinary clam doing what appears to be an extraordinarily strange act has made it a celebrity, as thousands of people have watched the creature lap up a pinch of salt


Mesmerizing: A video of the animal's antics has accrued nearly 200,000 views as people cannot figure out what has caused the clam to season itself


Seasoning: The clam sits on a dinner table with salt scattered around it until a cream, pulpy 'tongue' emerges from its shell, appearing to take a sample of its salty surroundings


Length: The sea creature's 'tongue' slowly creeps out of the shell and taps down on the table, elongating till it is nearly a full body-length away


Hungry: It rescinds, dripping with moisture, before dipping back out for more

Thursday, July 12, 2012

JERBOA, si TIKUS MINI yang UNYU bertelinga lebar dan BISA LONCAT LONCAT ...

Jerboas are small jumping desert rodents found throughout Asia and northern Africa.
This is a miracle of nature. Inside, you will see a compilation of funny pictures with this animal and two very cool videos. On the first video, you�ll see one of the representatives of pygmy jerboa, a unique species of jerboas. .

1 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

2 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

3 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

4 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

5 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

6 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

7 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

8 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

9 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

10 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

11 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

12 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

13 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

14 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

15 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

16 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

17 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

18 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

19 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

20 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

21 Animal of the day - Jerboa (21 pics + 2 videos)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

BUAH UNYU ... mini banget UKURAN si TIMUN dari AMERIKA SELATAN ini


Smallest Watermelons

As consumers turn to micro-products, the �mini� trend seems to affect all areas of our lives. We keep seeing ever-smaller telephones, computers, cars, and apparently fruits are no exception.

While they might look genetically-engineered, Pepquinos come from an ancient wild plant in South America, and are 100% natural. They are just 3-cm-long and 2 cm in diameter, but apart from their size, they look just like regular watermelons. But only on the outside, because once sliced, the juicy green flesh of a cucumber is revealed. They also have the crisp fresh taste of cucumbers and usually served in luxury restaurants, as appetizers, in summer salads, stir fried and even as a sorbet.

The rare Pepquinos were discovered and brought to Europe in 1987, by a Dutch company that later began producing them and selling seeds. They�ve only recently started cultivating them in the US and Asia, but their popularity in foodie communities is growing rapidly. The growth cycle of the Pepquinos plant is between 60 and 85 days, and a single string yields 60 to 100 fruit.

16 ounces of Pepquinos cucamelons cost $79, and that�s if you buy them from Koppert Cress, the Dutch company that produces them.

Smallest Watermelons

Smallest Watermelons

Smallest Watermelons

Smallest Watermelons

Monday, July 9, 2012


Well, isn�t this beautiful scratchy creature cute?

1 Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)

2 Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)

3 Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)

4 Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)

5 Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)

6 Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)

7 Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)

8 Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)
