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Showing posts with label Gambar Gokil dan Unik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gambar Gokil dan Unik. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2012

Ada ayam kampus di kampus ane gan!! [BB+++]

Misi gan, pas ane lagi dikantin ga sengaja ane ketemu sama ayam kampus, ga pake apa-apa gan alias bugil.

Langsung aja nih gan ane kasih picnya:

Spoiler for Ayam Kampus1:

Spoiler for Ayam Kampus2:

Spoiler for Ayam Kampus3:

sumber :

Thursday, July 12, 2012

REKOR PAYUDARA TERBESAR di daratan EROPA bahkan DUNIA !!! *matabelo

Don't look if you are susceptible.

Her name is Beshine and she is from Germany and has the largest fake boobs in Europe. Her gigantic 32XXX’s help her make a living as an erotic/adult performer.


When your body is covered with almost 7,000 metal piercings, one more ring really doesn�t seem that important, but for Elaine Davidson it was the most important one so far.

Looking at her, you�d probably think most normal men would run for the hills the minute they laid eyes on Elaine Davidson, the world�s most pierced woman, but she actually got a decent looking civil servant named Douglas Watson, who doesn�t have any visible piercings, to marry her. The 42-year-old former nurse was dressed in a classic white wedding dress that covered all of her body, except the face which was painted green and covered with 192 piercings. In case you�re wondering, no, she didn�t scare off the minister.

Most Pierced Woman Gets Married | Body Piercings
Most Pierced Woman Gets Married | Body Piercings

Most Pierced Woman Gets Married | Body Piercings
Most Pierced Woman Gets Married | Body Piercings

Brazilian-born Davidson first broke the record for most piercings in 2000, when Guinness examined her body and found 462 piercings, including 192 on her face. She�s come a long way since then and the last count revealed she now sports 6,925 piercings, weighing around three kilograms. Believe it or not, she never takes off any of her piercings.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Ayo gan saatnya kita ngefreshin otak ente masing-masing daripada ngurusi pekerjaan mending ngelihat gamber yang lucu ini gan dijamin ngakak 100%. Kalo pinya foto lain yang lucu bisa dishare disini gan.
Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Tahoo! Sumedang? mungkin ini salah satu proyek dari Yahoo! Inc. Bisa kirim tahu lewat yahoo email.

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Apa apaan nih ???

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Buka tiap hari 24 jam kecuali hari kiamat, somplak!

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Ucapan selamat dari diri sendiri? kasian nih orang

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Ngamen gratis kecuali Roma Irama, maksudnya apa?

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Sewa kolor Rp. 3000 (Gila... kolor aja ada penyewaanya)

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Nah... nih baru helm SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia), kalo laper tinggal dibelah aja tuh helm.

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Pertamini? sejak kapan Pertamina buka cabang?

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

20 (lima belas) ??? ini yang bego siapa?

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Jangan salah ya teman, tambal ban aja ada spesialisasinya lhoo... harus kuliah di jurusan pertambalan. (ngawuurrrr)

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Okay... TS gak bisa ngomong apa-apa lagi tentang foto yang satu ini (speechless)

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

biasanya nama rumah makan yang wajar tuh kayak rumah makan nikmat, rumah makan sedap, rumah makan lezat. Lhaa.... ini kok malah namanya kayak gitu? sebetulnya ini bisa jadi strategi marketing yang handal lho sobat, jadi orang-orang malah penasaran pengen tahu seberapa gak enak sih masakan-masakan di rumah makan tersebut (genius?).

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

masa tagline'nya Rasa Kaki Lima Harga Bintang Lima? gak kebalik tuh?

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Kalau yang ini TS gak ngerti maksudnya tujuannya, sekolah sore tapi malah masuk pagi (gak konsisten nih sekolahan, sekolah aja bisa labil ya).

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

EL.FIJI ??? Gua suka gaya lu cuy, yang nulis tuh pengen keren-kerenan atau emang gak ngerti bahasa hehehhe

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Wheew... bisa saling lihat dan menghirup aroma kootoran satu sama lainnya

Spoiler for NGAKAK:

Ketemu tempat makan yang unik lagi, Dukun' Donats (donat'nya pake jampe jampe, disembur dukun dulu baru dikasih ke konsumen)

sumber :

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

You've already guessed who’s taking part at such beauty contests in Thailand?
If you go there one day, be careful, otherwise the meeting with a lovely girl could turn out to be a meeting with a former guy ))

1 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

2 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

3 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)


5 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

6 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

7 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

8 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

9 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

10 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

11 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

12 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

13 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

14 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

15 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

16 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

17 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

18 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

19 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

20 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

21 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

22 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

23 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

24 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

25 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

26 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

27 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

28 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

29 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

30 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

31 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

32 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

33 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

34 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

35 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

36 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

37 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)

38 Miss Ladyboy (38 photos)
