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Showing posts with label Dunia Kuliner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dunia Kuliner. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bekal Makanan Dengan Susunan Lucu dan Menarik

Jangankan anak kecil, kamu pun kalau dibawakan bekal seperti yang tampak dibawah ini, pasti mau banget kan.

Pembuatnya, Heather Sitarzewski mengatakan:

Saya memutuskan selama musim panas ini, saya ingin membuat bento yang menyenangkan setiap hari untuk makan siang anak saya tahun ajaran ini.

Saya mencari di internet untuk melihat ide-ide dan menemukan beberapa situs yang sangat bagus yang memiliki resep dan tutorial untuk bagaimana memanipulasi makanan menjadi bentuk dan pola yang sangat menarik.

ada yang tertaraik untuk membuat seperti yang diatas gannn !!

saat SEDIH CEWEK ANEH ini MAKAN BATU dan SPONS coyyy.... HOBBY yang UEDAN !!! + video

Dinner time: Teresa Widener (right) and her daughter Kelsey Bayne, 22, enjoy very different treats at home in Bedford, Virginia. Mrs Widener eats stones as comfort food

Dinner time: Teresa Widener (right) and her daughter Kelsey Bayne, 22, enjoy very different treats at home in Bedford, Virginia. Miss Bayne tucks into some candyfloss while Mrs Widener's comfort food is stones

Odd diet: The mother-of-two hammers her stones down to an edible size. She gorges on stones to lift her spirits

Odd diet: The mother-of-two hammers her stones down to an edible size. She eats stones to lift her spirits

Love at work: Mrs Widener credits her new husband Jim with helping her cut down on her stone-eating habit

Love at work: Mrs Widener credits her new husband Jim with helping her cut down on her stone-eating habit

That's a good one! Mrs Widener selects which stones to eat during country walks

That's a good one! Mrs Widener selects which stones to eat during country walks

Natural lift: Another delicious stone goes down a treat as Mrs Widener comforts herself

Natural lift: Another delicious stone goes down a treat as Mrs Widener comforts herself

Sponge cake: Nicole Bonner has eaten 1,000 sponges in the past few years

Sponge cake: Nicole Bonner has eaten 1,000 sponges in the past few years


A nice and inventive way to serve a fruit salad.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

kamu PASTI kagak bakalan NYADAR kalo TERNYATA MAKANAN ini ada SESUATU nya ... TELITI gan !!!

Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake food samples appear prevalently in the windows and display cases of food-serving establishments throughout Japan. Once made from wax, today they are usually made out of plastic. The plastic models are mostly handmade from vinyl chloride and carefully sculpted to look like the actual dishes. The models are custom-tailored to restaurants and even common items such as ramen will be modified to match each establishment's food. During the molding process, the fake ingredients are often chopped up and combined in a manner similar to actual cooking.

The craftsmanship has been raised to an art form and plastic food has been exhibited at places such as the Victoria and Albert Museum. Regular competitions are held in making fake food dishes out of plastic and other materials.

The plastic food manufacturers fiercely guard their trade secrets as business is lucrative; the plastic food industry in Japan, by conservative estimates, has revenues of billions of yen per year. A single restaurant may order a complete menu of plastic items costing over a million yen.

In recent years, Japanese plastic food manufacturers have been targeting markets overseas, such as China.

While some large companies exist, others are small shops with a single proprietor. They can be found in Kappabashi-dori, the food supply street in Tokyo. Factories can be found in Gujo, Gifu.

* Iwasaki Be-I, the biggest plastic food manufacturer in Japan, founded by Takizo Iwasaki in 1932
* Maiduru (Maizuru), another old and large manufacturer

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Fake Plastic Food In Japan
Fake Plastic Food In Japan

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

satu-satunya makan yang tidak bisa busuk gan!


Madu dijadikan sebagai sumber makanan oleh lebah,
Di cuaca dingin atau kalau sumber makanan jarang, lebah memakai madu mereka yang disimpan sebagai sumber mereka tenaga.

Madu adalah campuran gula alami dan bahan-bahan lainnya.

Kandungan dalam madu madu ialah sebagian besar fructose (sekitar 38,5%) dan glukosa (sekitar 31,0%).

Membuatnya mirip dengan sirop gula/madu buatan yang adalah sekitar 48% fructose, glukosa sebanyak 47%, dan 5% sucrose.

Termasuk karbohidrat didalamnya maltose, sucrose, dan karbohidrat kompleks lain.

Kandungan gizi dalam madu: Protein, Air, Riboflavin (Vit.B2) ,Niacin (B3) ,Pantothenic asam (B5), Vitamin B6,Folate (Vit.B9) ,Vitamin C, Kalsium, Besi, Magnesium, Fosfor, Kalium, Sodium, Seng.

Madu (khususnya kalau digabungkan dengan jeruk limun) sering diperlukan sebagai obat penderita radang tenggorokan atau batuk, bisa lebih efektif daripada kebanyakan obat biasa.

Harus diperhatikan :

Karena adanya botulinum endospores alami di madu, anak di bawah satu tahun sebaiknya tidak diberi madu. Sistem pencernaan orang dewasa telah berkembang sehingga bisa menghancurkan spora. Tetapi bayi bisa kena keracunan makanan dari madu.

Madu yang buatan mungkin menyebabkan mabuk madu. Gejala termasuk pening, kelemahan, keringat berlebihan, mual, dan muntah. Lebih tidak umum, tekanan darah rendah, mengejutkan, ketidakteraturan irama jantung, dan kejang-kejang mungkin terjadi, dengan kasus langka menghasilkan kematian.

sumber :

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

tutorial membuat BURGER RAKSASA .. hm.. yummy ....

Great idea for a little group of friends.
Why do you need to make plenty of little burgers if you can do one enormous burger for all ;)

1 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

2 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

3 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

4 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

5 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

6 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

7 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

8 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

9 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

10 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

11 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

12 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

13 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

14 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

15 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)

16 How to prepare a huge burger (16 pics)
