Kejadian ini berlangsung pada Kamis lalu ketika DiDonato melaporkan segmen mengenai microbrewery (mesin pembuat bir) saat tiba-tiba kucing liar datang dan melompat ke punggungnya.
Matanya membelalak ketika kucing liar itu terus naik ke punggungnya. Namun, sebagai seorang profesional, DiDonato terus melaporkan meski ia terlihat kaget dan ketakutan. Tak berapa lama kemudian ia menulis tweet. "Belajar dari pengalaman. Jangan pernah bertemu pandang dengan seekor kucing sebelum siaran langsung".Unusual report: Nicole DiDonato, a morning reporter for Fox 17 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was calmly doing a regular live shot about the day's happenings
No warning: Suddenly, the arm of a cat leaped in the air onto the front of Ms DiDonato's left shoulder as a surprise to both the reporter and the audience watching the shot
Getting comfortable: The cat made its appearance as it peeped its head from behind Ms DiDonato's slowly
Teammates: Not sure what to do, Ms DiDonato turned her head to the right in embarrassment - and the cat followed her direction
Composure: Remarkably, Ms DiDonato barely hesitated as she continued to do her report despite having an unplanned feline resting on her
Friends: After the report, Ms DiDonato tweeted that she was happy the cat was nice or 'we could be dealing [with] quite a different outcome this am!'
'Mighty impressive': After she completed her report, Ms DiDonato began to laugh uncontrollably nearly falling to the ground over the silly incident

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